
your perception of me is a reflection of you


Basti Werner, Frankfurt, 2022 (Personal Training)

Ich bin bereits seit einem halben Jahr bei Vanessa im Personal Yoga Training und bin begeistert von ihrer kompetenten Art mich in meinem Gesundheitsprozess wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Die Empfehlung meines Neurologen meine Beschwerden mit Yoga zu verringern haben sich im Training mit Vanessa bewahrheitet. Sie geht genau auf meine Probleme und Bedürfnisse ein und passt ihr Fachwissen unserem Trainingsplan speziell an. Ihr Umgang mit Körper und Seele im Einklang mit der Atmung hilft mir extrem meinen Täglichen Wahnsinn zu überstehen. Dankeschön für deine Geduld!


Anne Hartenhauer, Offenbach, 2021 (Personal Training)

Vanessa kenne ich aus dem Bewegungsraum in Offenbach, wo ich anfangs bei ihr Pilates- und Yogagruppen Kurse belegt habe. Durch ihre ruhige, liebe und vertrauenswürdige Art bin ich vor 1,5 Jahren auf das Einzeltraining bei ihr umgestiegen. Vanessa geht bei jeder Trainingssession sowohl auf Körperpartien ein, die ich innerhalb der Stunde speziell trainieren will, als auch auf jene Haltungen, die verfeinert werden können. Durch ihre sehr präzise und gleichzeitig sympathische Art, habe ich sehr gute Fortschritte gemacht und freue mich jedes Mal auf meine Trainingsstunde bei ihr.  

Ich kann Vanessa sehr weiterempfehlen.


Jan Vogt, Frankfurt, 2021 (Personal Training)

Danke für das lange Begleiten. Ich kann behaupten, dass von allen Anwendungen die ich unter allen Yoga Lehrern, Chiropraktikern, etc. in den letzten Jahren erfahren habe, deine Therapie die besten Erfolge bei meinen chronischen Schmerzen erzielt haben. Danke für die tolle Arbeit.


Jana Wysocki, Germany, 2020

Ich habe Vanessa als einfühlsame, offene und herzliche Yoga-Lehrerin erlebt, welche über ein großes ganzheitliches Wissen über Körper, Geist und Spiritualität verfügt. Sie geht auf jeden Einzelnen individuell ein und hilft einem tief in die Praxis einzutauchen. Sie hat mir geholfen meinen Stand und meine Haltung zu verbessern und hat mich auf kleine Feinheiten aufmerksam gemacht, welche Großes bewirkt haben. Ich danke Dir


Salvador Rosales, Germany, 2020

I attended Vanessa's Classes for several weeks last summer in Frankfurt at Inside Yoga, it was the earliest class on Thursday and I can truly say it was a delight to beginn my day practicing Yoga, her class gave a lot of quality to my day. I look forward to attend her classes once again. Regards


Liesa Müllner, India, 2020

I attended her classes in India. With her teaching she creates a calm trustful space to get deep into the practice. She has a huge knowledge and is happy to share it. She also takes the time for everyone individually to learn and understand the yoga practice. Thank you


Florian Herzog, Germany, 2018

Ich war in Vanessas Yoga Stunde bei der Turngemeinde Bornheim (Frankfurt/Main). Kaum eine andere Kursleiterin hat die Übungen so gut aufgebaut und dafür gesorgt das die korrekte Ausführung priorisiert wird. Ganz große Empfehlung und hoffentlich unterrichtet sie mal wieder in FfM.


Robert R. Romero, USA, 2018

I had the pleasure of spending a week with Vanessa as my Yoga instructor at Blue Indigo in Siem Reap, Cambodia. She gained my trust very quickly due to her passion for what she knows, her ability to teach and inspire. She took time to work with everyone individually and truly got to know us over the course of several classes. I was very, very pleased with what she helped me accomplish and blessed to have met such a great soul.

Polona Zupancic, Romania, 2019

We had a great class in Goa! Vanessa is heartfull, sincere and devoted yoga teacher.


Lara Hofmann, Germany, 2018

Yin Yoga with Vanessa - absolutely amazing! Never experienced this level of relaxation and pain relief before. You can feel how dedicated and passionate she is about her teaching. Regret it until today I couldn't take more classes with her. Highly recommended!!!


Danique Zaal, Netherlands, 2018

I followed a yin and meditation lesson which Vanessa was teaching in Siem Reap at the blue indigo retreat. I was really impressed with the way she teaches. She really knows how to give every single person the support they need. She makes you feel really comfortable during the class. I really want to thank her for the great time, her vibe and lessons!


Birgit Gragagger, Austria, 2018

cambodia! yoga! vanessa! had a great time! she is a great teacher ... doing yin yoga and meditation together. felt encouraged, pushed and supported! Tbc 

Nina Az, Thailand, 2018

Vanessa is an absolute pleasure to practice with. On my 6 day retreat where she was one of the coaches, I would actually get up 6 in the morning "excited" to train with her - and I'm NOT a morning person AT ALL. That's how good she is! She instructs everything clearly and spreads a great vibe and energy around during her classes. She quickly became my favorite instructor and human to hang out with.

Thank you for all the love and support. Metta 


Tingting Pan, China, 2018

I joined Vanessa’s Vinyasa and Yin Yoga classes in Blue Indigo Yoga Retreat Center in Cambodia and I love them! Still remember her lovely voice and how patient & helpful she was with participants. I am a yoga teacher myself but I absolutely learned a lot from her.


Jennifer Self, Kuala Lumpur, 2018

I was privileged to take Vanessa's Vinyasa, Pranayama, Hatha, Meditation, and Yin Yoga classes in Siem Reap, Cambodia. She is a very caring and thoughtful teacher, and makes everyone around her feel comfortable and confident. She also personalizes her classes, making sure students' needs are met, and pays careful attention to students' alignment. Thanks, Vanessa!


Sandra Schneider, Germany, 2018

I met Vanessa in a yoga retreat in Cambodia and visited her yoga and meditation classes. It was such a wonderful journey and experience! You are a great teacher. Thank you.

Sol Heartman, Australia, 2018

I attended Vanessa's yoga class at Swami's yoga retreat in Kenthurst, Australia. I found Vanessa's knowledge of the human body very thorough. She helped me to know what muscles I needed to engage to hold the different postures in the best way. I highly recommend her as a yoga teacher.


Ciara Anders, Ireland, 2018

I attended some of Vanessa's classes in Sydney, Australia. She's a wonderful teacher who puts a lot of work into her classes to make sure her students get the most out of their time with her. Definitely reccomend!


Clara Stratmann, Germany, 2018

I had the pleasure of meeting Vanessa in Australia and attended her yoga classes several times a week. Vanessa is a kind and wonderful human who also happens to be a fantastic yoga teacher. She incorporates her ever growing knowledge of the yogic tradition and philosophies into her classes and shares it with you. you can truly let go and enter the space she provides for this time. i felt connected, inspired and grateful! Namaste


Alex Maynard, Australia, 2018

Vanessa's classes are beautiful, and she has such a calming presence


Laine Elisa, Canada, 2018

I had a lovely time getting to know Vanessa at a yoga retreat at which she taught. During my classes there, Vanessa stood out as an instructor because she took care to explain the important aspects of each posture, emphasizing the main sources of strength for each position. Her method of teaching made even the more challenging classes feel like a success to me, despite my total lack of experience! As a yoga instructor, I 100% recommend Vanessa. Not only is she an excellent teacher, but she’s also a genuine and kind individual whose company you won’t regret. 


Michael Coleman, USA, 2018

I met Vanessa earlier this year at a yoga retreat outside of Sydney, NSW. I’m not a huge yogi, but I do appreciate a good class. Vanessa gave a nighttime chakra meditation that I really enjoyed. She has a style all her own that is equal parts relaxing and dramatic from what I remember, and I would recommend her classes to anyone who’s considering them.


Isabel Zangerl, Austria, 2018

I've had the privilege of taking a few different classes from this wonderful teacher and human! We volunteered together at Swami's Yoga retreat, I had the chance to take her classes there and when she taught in Brisbane. She is a very versatile teacher and very knowledgeable, I took her chakra meditation class, yin class, strength focused classes and she taught me how to do the spinal wave and how you can incorporate it in every yoga pose or transition. She's a very attentive and informative teacher and also very grounded. Vanessa is always there to assist and guide you through your practice and ready to push you just far enough! Vanessa has a special place in my heart and I would highly

recommend taking her classes if you get the chance.

Laurel van S., Canada, 2018

I met Vanessa while she was doing volunteer teaching at a yoga centre I was working at. As a pilates teacher first, she has a better understanding of the body than most new teachers. As I had been teaching a lot of yin and restorative yoga at the time, the first thing I noticed about Vanessa was that she could not sit still! It was clear that her first love was for an active practice. However, through the course of her time there she recognized this about herself eagerly, and understood the value of learning to find balance. It's not so common to see this, as most people will resist changing their patterns for a much longer time. Her classes were well informed and caring, and she delivered quality to the students in spite of a studio environment that was not ideal.


Andreas Glänzel, Germany, 2018

Ich habe mich beim Yoga noch nie so begleitet gefühlt. VDY ist bei jedem Schritt dabei, hilft bei Details und baut die Übungen Schritt für Schritt auf. Absolut motivierend und freundlich dazu. Eines Tages werde selbst ich die "Krähe" bei ihr lernen. A warm hearted, qualified and emphatic coach. Go your way, lady!


Caity Dewar, South Africa, 2018

An inspirational, amazing, unique yogini. full of love life and wisdom


Rocco Leone, Germany, 2018

Vanessa is able to transmit the spirit of yoga through a unique sequence of yoga-positions, whose sequence has in every lesson a different meaning for the seal and his body. This allows to develop, every time, something new that let people become more complete and self conscious in their personality and in the approach to see the world around them.